I help change-makers tell stories of the future
We don’t need problem solvers. We need dreamers, doers, and change-makers who are focused on creating inspiring visions of the future.
It is my mission to help build this map of the future.
We don’t need problem solvers.
That’s a bold claim, I know.
Thinking about problems might feel good. It occupies the mind. It makes us think we are making a difference. But it keeps us fixed in a broken paradigm.
As a society, we have spent too much time thinking about problems.
Our leaders mostly tell stories of problems, about how everything is broken.
Technology has created marvels, but it has disconnected us as well. Separated us. Built our own little bubbles.
Innovations seem reserved for the elite class. The rest of us are left behind.
We are no longer hopeful about the future as a society.
Sadly, we can solve problems and still not have what we want. Solving problems doesn’t make us happier. It doesn’t make life more meaningful. It’s like trying to rearrange furniture in a house that feels empty—you can fix the layout, but the emptiness remains.
What we need are stories again that help us completely bypass the problem-solution paradigm.
What we need are stories of a future where we are the main actors on stage. Technology only plays a supporting role.
Stories that can inspire us. That can make us act. That can bring people together.
That’s what I am trying to do with my work and life.
I am trying to bring together the best stories across every aspect of life. From business, economics, politics, government, technology, education…
…To the personal realm of our homes, families, and communities…and our spirit.
What can this future look like?
I publish videos on YouTube and write posts on here on a (somewhat) weekly basis to explore this topic.
To join me for this journey to create a better story about the future, sign up for my newsletter below.