Dreamers, not doomers*

Hi, I’m Dhawal (pronunciation: 🔉). I grew up in Canada and now live in Dallas.

I am a futurist, storyteller, educator, and speaker who explores ideas about the future of work, finance, economics, and society.

Questions I Write About

  1. How do we make work — work for everyone? This means understanding how to build organizations, leaders, and society in a way that gives everyone a sense of meaning, growth, and dignity. This includes financial security. It also means calling out the narratives that no longer serve us. Business schools and mainstream narratives do not give us good enough answers here.
  2. How do we create greater happiness? I believe relationships hold the key, but our ways of relating to ourselves and relating to others has completely eroded. We need better ways of thinking, acting, and being to make this all work.
  3. How do we create better health (physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual) for ourselves and society at large? Our modern paradigm for health just isn’t working for most people and we need better answers.
  4. What is our grand narrative for the future? We need dreamers, not doomers. We do not need more negativity, division, and disjointed stories. Unfortunately, there is no interesting story for the future that most of us can point to. I want to understand this.

Our culture defines every aspect of who we are and where we are headed. So I like to deeply examine our cultural assumptions as a way of changing ourselves, organizations, and society.

During the day, I work with knowledge workers (attorneys, accountants, consultants, and other professional service providers) to help them build practices in their career and lead a life they love. I

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* Title borrowed from Elle Griffin’s The Elysian.

Latest Articles

The Future of Work: This was the seminal essay about the Future of Work that made me a global thought leader. I was invited to Switzerland at the annual Symposium where political and business leaders meet and make decisions to shape society. This goes into the deep focus on character and spirituality needed in the task of leadership whether you are a salesperson, the leader of a team, organization, or nation.

The Schoolteacher’s Lessons: An exploration of the hidden lessons we learn in school and why it shapes how we act in much of our lives.

The President and the Swami: This is a remarkable story of a world leader using profound teachings of a Swami to change the way he led a country, and who became the most respected and loved President for a billion people.

The Dharma of a Leader: This is the Global Drucker Challenge winning essay about the critical need of a dharmic lens to combat the leadership challenges across the world.

About Me

I’ve spent 10+ years doing sales and marketing in Fortune 500 companies as well as startups, small business and law firms. I also consult with and advise startups to do the same. You can see a more professional breakdown of my work on LinkedIn. (Update: As of June 2024, I believe LinkedIn no longer serves the best interests of its users and I no longer will keep it up to date).

Partial list of organizations served include: the partners at Aird & Berlis LLP, White Swan, Herald, Resolve, Consolve, TUIO, FleetRover, Mythic Markets, eBound, Three Good, Starfield, NAKS, Merging Media, UPS, Bell, and more.

I used to lead growth at Renno & Co, one of the fastest growing law firms in the web3 space in North America. I worked in the decentralized world of blockchain, NFTs, metaverses and technology. I had co-founded Build Your Book to help lawyers and law firms from around the world to create meaningful change in how they build an authentic, balanced, and thriving practice.

I’ve co-founded MEDEdX, a media company that creates bite-sized CME content for physicians. I’ve also founded a private community of 230+ Indian-American healthcare providers nationwide.

I went to the Schulich School of Business at York University for my MBA, and did my undergraduate studies at the University of Western Ontario.

I consult and work with a variety of non-profits as well. Along with my work for BAPS Charities, I work with NY Times Best Selling author Dr. Michael Greger’s organization NutritionFacts.org..

To learn more, you can read my story.